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Baron Nashor
Endless Devouring Void
Application Template Honor_level_5mikktApplication Template 768jea

Experience : 5138
Baron Nashor

Application Template

#113 written by Administrator Mo Aug 20, 2018 10:11 pm
Application TemplateQuickinfo, templates and important guidelinks
Before you jump into the character application you should first read the most important of our guides. You can, however, work through every single part of the application template, because the required part of that bullet point can be found via '→ INFO' next to it. Just click on the link and it will take you to the guide that you will need for that field.
Please don't leave any stated points blank or remove them. You can, however, add as many points as you want.

Go through the template step by step and read in the corresponding guides. Read the guides thoroughly, unless mentioned otherwise!

Structure & Info⇨ The title consists of the [Faction] in square brackets, the full character name and make sure to select the correct faction color (e.g. [Bilgewater] Jacky Morgan).
⇨ The standard application only requires one post, you can add placeholder posts underneath in case you want to add more information in the future or simply have so much to tell about your character that not everything fits into one post.
⇨ Post your application finished or unfinished here - if it's unfinished please leave a note in the title or subtitle.
⇨ Make sure once your character is accepted, to leave a note here: avatarlist, character register and account overview.
⇨ Before you start posting you have to post your update template in the update area.
⇨ If you want to make subsequent changes to the application, you must do so through the updates.

Slot ReserverationYou can reserve character ranks/slots by posting a finished application. An application counts as finished if every bullet point contains information and you leave a post, that the application is finished at the bottom. Unfinished (empty bullet points) applications won't be considered.
If two applications apply for the same spot the date of the "I am finished" post at the bottom counts, who was first. Not the date of the application.
Baron Nashor
Endless Devouring Void
Application Template Honor_level_5mikktApplication Template 768jea

Experience : 5138
Baron Nashor

Re: Application Template

#114 written by Administrator Mo Aug 20, 2018 10:18 pm
Name of your Characteran inispirational quote or motto

GENERALLAST NAME: The native or adopted surname.
GIVEN NAME: The first name and all other second- third-, ... names.
NICKNAME: These can be nicknames or pet names, but also an official title, change the bullet point accordingly.

AGE: Age of your character. → INFO
SEX: male | female | other?
RACE: Human, Vastayan oder maybe an Iceborn? → INFO
ORIGIN: Place where your character was born, use only places with known location. → INFO
FACTION: With which faction does your character currently align? Freljord, Demacia, Noxus oder rather Shurima, ... → INFO
RELIGION: Does your character have a religion? Note that it's normal to have one and that religion can also mean cult or culture. → INFO
UNION: If your character belongs to a crew, order, shield, legion, ... add the name here. Or leave it blank if your character doesn't have one.
PROFESSION: Activity that the character exercises, profession, passion or hobby.

WEIGHT: In kilogramms.
HAIR COLOR: The hair colour of your character.
EYE COLOR:  The eye colour of your character.
STATURE: The look of the character. What is stature? Also, describe the behaviour or way of moving.
CLOTHS: How does your character dress? Color, cuts, texture, fabrics, etc.
DISTINCITVE MARK: One or two things where you can identify the character very well. Key points sufficient.

CHARACTERISTICSPERSONALITY:  The characteristics that shape the character. Don't miss the details.

LIKES: Preferences.
DISLIKES: Distaste.

MOTIVATION: What motivates your character? What goals does he pursue? What does the character dream of?

FAMILYFATHER: Name, age, faction, relationship to character and more info.
MOTHER: Name, age, faction, relationship to character and more info.
... (Feel free to add other family members here)

PAST Describe in a nutshell what the character has experienced so far and which events have shaped the character. You can write either an entire story or use bullet points.


BEHAVIOR: Describe how your character operates in a fight. Does s/he prefer blunt force or rather uses the environment to his/her advantage? What is his/her weapon of choice? → INFO

INVENTORY: Add things, that your character carries around. Note that some things are optional and obvious, like cloths, food/water etc. So only add relevant things like a weapon, artifact or other special items.

TraitsTRAIT 1 (RACE) This perk can only be used for something, related to the race of your character.
TRAIT 2 (FACTION) This perk can only be used for something, related to the faction of your character.
TRAIT 3 (LANGUAGE) Add the language your character speaks and also mention if he can write and read that language.
TRAIT 4 This perk is free to use for abilities (languages, magic, weapons, ...)
Add or remove traits depending on the starting rank of your character. → INFO


AdministrationWHERE ARE YOU FROM? How did you find the forum?
AVATAR: Which appearance do you use? Please name character and series/book/ ...
ACCOUNT: How many characters do you have? If it is not your first character add all your older accounts.

<t1>Name of your Character</t1><t2>an inispirational quote or motto</t2><center><img src="URL" /></center>

<t3>GENERAL</t3>[b]LAST NAME:[/b]
[b]GIVEN NAME:[/b]


[b]HAIR COLOR:[/b]
[b]EYE COLOR:[/b]






<t3>Fighting Style</t3>[b]CHARACTER RANK:[/b] E-S


<t3>Traits</t3>[b]TRAIT 1 NAME[/b]
[b]Type:[/b] Race

[b]TRAIT 2 NAME[/b]
[b]Type:[/b] Faction

[b]TRAIT 3 NAME[/b]
[b]Type:[/b] Language

[b]TRAIT 4 NAME[/b]
[b]Type:[/b] ?

<t3>Techniques</t3>[b]TECHNIQUE 1[/b]
[b]TECHNIQUE 2[/b]
[b]TECHNIQUE 3[/b]
[b]TECHNIQUE 4[/b]

<t3>Administration</t3>[b]WHERE ARE YOU FROM?[/b]
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